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Annual Martin Luther King Jr. Program

Thornton Township will celebrate its annual Martin Luther King Jr. program at 10 a.m. Monday, Jan. 15. Thornton Township Supervisor President Frank M. Zuccarelli, Thornton Township Board of Trustees, Thornton Township Human Relations Commission (HRC), South Suburban College (SSC), and Thornton Township High School District 205 have coordinated for the celebration. The guest speaker is Rev. Dr. Ozzie E. Smith Jr. and there will be performances by students from District #205 along with Coolidge Middle School Jazz Band. For any questions, call 708-596-6040. Ext. 3168._

Frank M. Zuccarelli, Thornton Township President said, “Love and unity overpowers division and anger. Dr. King said human progress is neither automatic nor inevitable. Every step toward the goal of justice requires sacrifice, suffering, and struggle.”

State Senator Donne Trotter (IL 17th Senatorial District) commented, “Martin Luther King was a great man that represent justice and equality for all.”

State Senator Kwame Raoul (IL 13th Senatorial District) stated, “Martin Luther King said our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter. This Martin Luther King Day, I’m asking that we all speak out against the injustices that are taking place in our communities and across the state. We must speak a little bit louder against hate. We must speak a little bit louder against fear. We must speak a little bit louder against those who seek to divide us. And we must speak a little bit louder against the inequities in our society. If King has taught us anything, it’s that human progress is neither automatic nor inevitable.”

Loretta Wells, MLK Event Chairperson and Member of Thornton Township Human Relations Commission stated, “I have been chairing the program for about 6 years. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was dynamic. Celebrating him brings our youth together. It’s a phenomenal program that we celebrate yearly – MLK Day.”

John Arrington, MLK Program Chairperson and HSD205 Director of College and Career Programs, which is a Partnership between HSD205, SSC and Thornton Township said, “Martin Luther King Jr Celebration is a constant reminder of his legacy and what it meant, what he stood for and sacrifice. King stood for nonviolence and forgave his enemies. That is phenomenal and unforgettable.”

Thornton Township Trustee Joyce M. Washington, Chairman of the township’s Human Relations Commission said, “Dr. King gave his life fighting for equality. This celebration reminds us of the struggle to make things better in America.”

Thornton Township Trustee Stafford C. Owens commented, “Martin Luther King Jr stood for equality, diversity, and justice for all.” Thornton Township Trustee Norbert Cipowski said, “We should celebrate Martin Luther King Day. I will be there for the celebration!”

Thornton Township Clerk Jacqueline E. Davis-Rivera commented, “Martin Luther King Jr has been a role model and inspiration to me. He broke a lot barriers being nonviolent. It was not popular to be nonviolent at that time and he received the Nobel Peace Prize.”

Alderman Joseph Whittington Jr, 2nd Ward, City of Harvey, IL said, “Martin Luther King is a man who gave his life in the fight to bring equality for all people, and this celebration means that he will never be forgotten.”

Alderman Christopher J. Clark, 3rd Ward, City of Harvey, IL stated, “Martin Luther King’s birthday is a great celebration. This is a constant reminder that we can always do better. Reminds us that we made strides and we have a way to go. Golden Rule is: do onto others, as you want them to do onto you.”

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